You better get your cute little butts over there if you know what's good for you :)
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Alright guys, ready for that exciting news? I'm gonna let you in on a little secret: I have been diligently working on a new website for about the past month or so. And guess what else? It's done!
You better get your cute little butts over there if you know what's good for you :)
You better get your cute little butts over there if you know what's good for you :)
Monday, July 26, 2010
Miss Me?
I had planned on blogging from the beach, but due to circumstances beyond my control (and terrible hotels with nonworking WiFi grrrrr!) I was unable to. So sad.
But let me assure you, there was plenty of good food.
And good times.
And mayyyybe some ice cream here and there.
And yes, I totally ate all that ice cream. And loved every bite. But all good things must come end. Reality is so hard to come back to! To cheer myself up, I picked the Mediterranean Snack Food Lentil Chips Giveaway Winner!! (That's a lot of words for one winner, guys)
Random Generator says....
Just email me your info at and I will send it right along to Miss Sharon! Congrats babe (:
I'm off to unpack little love bloggies. I have a special surprise for you all later this week (!) - catch ya in the am!
But let me assure you, there was plenty of good food.
And good times.
And mayyyybe some ice cream here and there.
And yes, I totally ate all that ice cream. And loved every bite. But all good things must come end. Reality is so hard to come back to! To cheer myself up, I picked the Mediterranean Snack Food Lentil Chips Giveaway Winner!! (That's a lot of words for one winner, guys)
Random Generator says....
Just email me your info at and I will send it right along to Miss Sharon! Congrats babe (:
I'm off to unpack little love bloggies. I have a special surprise for you all later this week (!) - catch ya in the am!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Lentil Chips Giveaway!
I could not believe how many of you have eaten bugs before - especially in your organic produce! It makes me feel a little bit better about my life, but way more nervous about organic produce in general. Us veggie girls are daring girls, obviously. That may be my new motto. I gotta put that on the blog somewhere...
Well, it's almost beach time for me! My car is packed and ready to go:
But before I take off, I wanted to leave you guys with a little somethin somethin-
That's right! I didn't forget! The other day at TJ Maxx, I stumbled upon this bag of crunchy deliciousness:
Baked Lentil Chips. Has anybody else seen/tried these? I was hooked just by the ingredients: Bean Flour (Lentil., Adzuki and Garbanzo beans), Potato Starch, Vegetable Oil (Sunflower Seed/Canola Oil), Sea Salt, Potassium Chloride.
Not to mention the stats.
4 grams of protein? 3 grams of fiber? Yes please and thank you! You know I practically smuggled those bad boys out of there. For $2.99, I would have bought every bag - if there had been any others, that is.
Once home with my loot, I proceeded to rip open the bag and pop a few in my mouth. And I was instantly reaching for more. Seriously good stuff. I think I may have found a replacement for my pita chips!
They're crispy and crunchy, but thick - thick enough to not break when you want to pile on the dip. Or the hummus, in my case. They’re not dense though, they’re airy and light. And they taste fantastic. There's no beany aftertaste like I semi-expected. The Mediterranean Snack Food Company has an amazing product on their hands. Actually, they have amazing products since they also have a couple other flavors as well as veggie chips and cheddar puffs! If you're interested, you can find a place that sells them near you here. Unfortunately, they don't have online ordering, but you can call them to have a case shipped straight to your door, though I am unsure of the cost on that front.
Overall, I give this product a 4.75 out of 5 - and that's only because I could have totally done without the Potassium Chloride. Other than that, they were pretty much perfect.
Have you tried lentil chips?
Better question: Do you want to?
Because I feel like it's time for a...
The awesome Sharon down at MSFC has offered to give one of you lucky readers a mixed case of their delicious lentil chips, containing 4 bags of each of their different flavors: Sea Salt, Sea Salt & Cracked Pepper and Cucumber Dill.
Here are the official entry rules given to me by Miss Sharon:
The next time you see me, it will be all fun in the sun. Catch ya at the beach loves!
Well, it's almost beach time for me! My car is packed and ready to go:
But before I take off, I wanted to leave you guys with a little somethin somethin-
That's right! I didn't forget! The other day at TJ Maxx, I stumbled upon this bag of crunchy deliciousness:
Baked Lentil Chips. Has anybody else seen/tried these? I was hooked just by the ingredients: Bean Flour (Lentil., Adzuki and Garbanzo beans), Potato Starch, Vegetable Oil (Sunflower Seed/Canola Oil), Sea Salt, Potassium Chloride.
Not to mention the stats.
4 grams of protein? 3 grams of fiber? Yes please and thank you! You know I practically smuggled those bad boys out of there. For $2.99, I would have bought every bag - if there had been any others, that is.
Once home with my loot, I proceeded to rip open the bag and pop a few in my mouth. And I was instantly reaching for more. Seriously good stuff. I think I may have found a replacement for my pita chips!
They're crispy and crunchy, but thick - thick enough to not break when you want to pile on the dip. Or the hummus, in my case. They’re not dense though, they’re airy and light. And they taste fantastic. There's no beany aftertaste like I semi-expected. The Mediterranean Snack Food Company has an amazing product on their hands. Actually, they have amazing products since they also have a couple other flavors as well as veggie chips and cheddar puffs! If you're interested, you can find a place that sells them near you here. Unfortunately, they don't have online ordering, but you can call them to have a case shipped straight to your door, though I am unsure of the cost on that front.
Overall, I give this product a 4.75 out of 5 - and that's only because I could have totally done without the Potassium Chloride. Other than that, they were pretty much perfect.
Have you tried lentil chips?
Better question: Do you want to?
Because I feel like it's time for a...
The awesome Sharon down at MSFC has offered to give one of you lucky readers a mixed case of their delicious lentil chips, containing 4 bags of each of their different flavors: Sea Salt, Sea Salt & Cracked Pepper and Cucumber Dill.
Here are the official entry rules given to me by Miss Sharon:
- Earn one (1) entry just by leaving a comment below (duh!), I'd love to hear if you've tried them before or not!
- Earn one (1) entry by becoming a fan of Mediterranean Snacks on Facebook and leaving a wallpost linking back to this giveaway
- Earn one (1) entry by posting a comment on Mediterranean Snacks' blog
The next time you see me, it will be all fun in the sun. Catch ya at the beach loves!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Extra Protein? + Free Music
So dinner last night was an Ashley-inspired feast. Slow+Low sweet potatoes, garlic spinach and Pour, Poke + Spread eggs!
It was absolutely delicious - until I found a cooked beetle in my spinach about 2/3 of the way through. It took everything in me to not throw up. In fact, I'm still dry heaving a bit just thinking about it.
I immediately called my boyfriend (who had been previously making fun of me for eating vegetables in the first place, the kid is such a hater) and relayed to him the horrible event. His response?
"What? You don't like a little extra protein?"
Not that kind.
Needless to say, I didn't eat anything for the rest of the day. I should market this as a diet strategy, I've never lost my appetite so quickly! Plus I think I'm going to be paranoid with my food for about the next month. No lie, I literally sifted through my oatmeal this morning. Just in case.
More whipped oats (sick of them yet?), this time with some summer berries.
Alright readers, you want to know what I listen to when I run? I'm gonna be honest, it's mostly techno. Something about the fast pace, the rhythym, the dirty bass - it just gets me going. But I don't listen to techno all the time, which is why I have not one, but TWO playlists for you!
I know. You love me (:
for the non-techno
If it's not techno, it's gotta make me want to move. I've found that a fast pace in music is an absolute essential for me. I really do run slower to slower songs. And I normally don't even realize it at the time! It's a tragic waste of my energy. However I have learned to use this to better my runs - by putting slower paced songs in the beginning of my playlists! This way, I don't start off sprinting like Iusually sometimes do.
This is the playlist I used for my last three mile run:
By the way, I heart Grooveshark. Notice how my songs start off slower paced and end strong - cause I'm a winner baby! That's one of my favorite power songs right now. Talk about getting amped up! I feel ready to take on the world when my boy Jaime Foxx is on the line.
for the techno lovers.
I hope you guys don't mind a little vulgarity in music. Personally, it kinda gets me revved up. Is that weird? Please don't be frightened of me! I just find that it makes me push myself harder, but I am totally okay with you not feeling the same. With that in mind, I'm going to give you my current favorite techno run mix! Just click the link to download it.
DJ Doverspike is actually a very good friend of mine and he makes the mixes I run to the most. I love it when he adds songs he knows I like - they just make my runs so much better! So give the mix a try - I'll bet my bottom dollar you become obsessed like me. Then we can be twins! Or however-many-of-us-there-are-uplets.
In the end though, it really all comes down to what YOU like. What gets you pumped? What gets you focus? What gets you running like Rocky in Philly? Figure that out and you'll have the playlist of your dreams.
If we're lucky, maybe Doverspike will mix them all together for us. Fingers crossed! By the way, who all liked the Christina Aguilera throwback? Ohhh yeahhhhh (:
It was absolutely delicious - until I found a cooked beetle in my spinach about 2/3 of the way through. It took everything in me to not throw up. In fact, I'm still dry heaving a bit just thinking about it.
I immediately called my boyfriend (who had been previously making fun of me for eating vegetables in the first place, the kid is such a hater) and relayed to him the horrible event. His response?
"What? You don't like a little extra protein?"
Not that kind.
Needless to say, I didn't eat anything for the rest of the day. I should market this as a diet strategy, I've never lost my appetite so quickly! Plus I think I'm going to be paranoid with my food for about the next month. No lie, I literally sifted through my oatmeal this morning. Just in case.
More whipped oats (sick of them yet?), this time with some summer berries.
- 1/3 cup steel cut oats
- 1/3 cup almond milk
- 1/3 cup water
- 1 Tbsp chia seeds
- sprinkle of cinnamon
- spritz of vanilla
- dash of salt
Alright readers, you want to know what I listen to when I run? I'm gonna be honest, it's mostly techno. Something about the fast pace, the rhythym, the dirty bass - it just gets me going. But I don't listen to techno all the time, which is why I have not one, but TWO playlists for you!
I know. You love me (:
for the non-techno
If it's not techno, it's gotta make me want to move. I've found that a fast pace in music is an absolute essential for me. I really do run slower to slower songs. And I normally don't even realize it at the time! It's a tragic waste of my energy. However I have learned to use this to better my runs - by putting slower paced songs in the beginning of my playlists! This way, I don't start off sprinting like I
This is the playlist I used for my last three mile run:
By the way, I heart Grooveshark. Notice how my songs start off slower paced and end strong - cause I'm a winner baby! That's one of my favorite power songs right now. Talk about getting amped up! I feel ready to take on the world when my boy Jaime Foxx is on the line.
for the techno lovers.
I hope you guys don't mind a little vulgarity in music. Personally, it kinda gets me revved up. Is that weird? Please don't be frightened of me! I just find that it makes me push myself harder, but I am totally okay with you not feeling the same. With that in mind, I'm going to give you my current favorite techno run mix! Just click the link to download it.
DJ Doverspike is actually a very good friend of mine and he makes the mixes I run to the most. I love it when he adds songs he knows I like - they just make my runs so much better! So give the mix a try - I'll bet my bottom dollar you become obsessed like me. Then we can be twins! Or however-many-of-us-there-are-uplets.
In the end though, it really all comes down to what YOU like. What gets you pumped? What gets you focus? What gets you running like Rocky in Philly? Figure that out and you'll have the playlist of your dreams.
Favorite running songs - Let's hear em.
If we're lucky, maybe Doverspike will mix them all together for us. Fingers crossed! By the way, who all liked the Christina Aguilera throwback? Ohhh yeahhhhh (:
reader request,
whipped oats
Monday, July 19, 2010
Festival Eats Continued
I absolutely loved all of your responses to my last post! I'm glad to know that some of you simply can't run a step without your iPod (like me), but it was also refreshing to know that some of you can throw miles back without a single tune (wow). I wish I could claim that! You all rock (and rock out) ladies!
fresh eats.
Well, I told you I was going to go back to the festival, didn't I? Did anyone figure out my hint earlier? Okay, I'll give it to you again: It sucks. Figure it out yet?
Why calamari, of course! Seriously, there are few things better than fresh made calamari. This stuff melted in my mouth. It was like chewing through butter. I choked down that entire thing in under 3 minutes. I know because I timed myself. And no, that's not weird.
I also got another fab festival food. Potato pizza. Which is never an actual pizza so I'm still unsure why they call it that.
And a side shot for ya.
I had originally planned to take this home and eat it for lunch today, but it got about as far as my car before I shamelessly devoured it. Oops. I'll chalk that down as a "my bad."
Breakfast was another bowl of whipped oats. I told you this would happen. Every day for a week, I promise it. This time, I tried a chocolate variation - with a little added sugar.
A chocolate chickpea brownie from the depths of my freezer. This was completely amazing, as I expected. Such deliciousness for breakfast makes me feel a bit evil. I like it.
For dinner, I tried another zucchini recipe. I'm pretty much drowning in zucchini so get used to it.
Mushroom Stuffed Zucchini. This was so good, I ate an entire half and would have eaten the other half if I hadn't wanted it so badly for lunch (no potato pizza!). I got the original recipe here. Obviously, I didn't add the ham, but everything else is exactly the same. The only thing I would do differently next time is double the filling - but that's because I'm a mushroom addict.
fit happenings.
I feel as though my terribly tough run on Saturday has actually made the rest of my runs easier. Is that weird? Better question, is that possible?
Both yesterday and today I went for short, three mile runs and I finished minutes faster than I normally would. I'm not sure if it's because I'm trying harder or they just seem easier. Today's splits:
Things to look forward to this week:
- Two Reviews!
- Music I run to (Reader Request)
- A look in my FitBook
Instead of asking you a question to end off, I'm turning it around! If you guys have any questions you'd like to ask me, I'm looking to start a Q&A page! I'll answer anything you throw at me, so you can either email me directly at or just post them here. Thank you my little blogettes and have a great night (:
fresh eats.
Well, I told you I was going to go back to the festival, didn't I? Did anyone figure out my hint earlier? Okay, I'll give it to you again: It sucks. Figure it out yet?
Why calamari, of course! Seriously, there are few things better than fresh made calamari. This stuff melted in my mouth. It was like chewing through butter. I choked down that entire thing in under 3 minutes. I know because I timed myself. And no, that's not weird.
I also got another fab festival food. Potato pizza. Which is never an actual pizza so I'm still unsure why they call it that.
And a side shot for ya.
I had originally planned to take this home and eat it for lunch today, but it got about as far as my car before I shamelessly devoured it. Oops. I'll chalk that down as a "my bad."
Breakfast was another bowl of whipped oats. I told you this would happen. Every day for a week, I promise it. This time, I tried a chocolate variation - with a little added sugar.
A chocolate chickpea brownie from the depths of my freezer. This was completely amazing, as I expected. Such deliciousness for breakfast makes me feel a bit evil. I like it.
For dinner, I tried another zucchini recipe. I'm pretty much drowning in zucchini so get used to it.
Mushroom Stuffed Zucchini. This was so good, I ate an entire half and would have eaten the other half if I hadn't wanted it so badly for lunch (no potato pizza!). I got the original recipe here. Obviously, I didn't add the ham, but everything else is exactly the same. The only thing I would do differently next time is double the filling - but that's because I'm a mushroom addict.
fit happenings.
I feel as though my terribly tough run on Saturday has actually made the rest of my runs easier. Is that weird? Better question, is that possible?
Both yesterday and today I went for short, three mile runs and I finished minutes faster than I normally would. I'm not sure if it's because I'm trying harder or they just seem easier. Today's splits:
- Mile 1 - 10:26
- Mile 2 - 9:26
- Mile 3 - 8:48
Things to look forward to this week:
- Two Reviews!
- Music I run to (Reader Request)
- A look in my FitBook
Instead of asking you a question to end off, I'm turning it around! If you guys have any questions you'd like to ask me, I'm looking to start a Q&A page! I'll answer anything you throw at me, so you can either email me directly at or just post them here. Thank you my little blogettes and have a great night (:
Sunday, July 18, 2010
5 Things Running Has Taught Me
1. My ipod is invaluable.
I've gotten through many a run solely due the jams I was rocking. Without music, my long runs would stretch out forever and I'd probably drive myself crazy with my thoughts. Or run out of thinks to think about (it's happened!). I'm pretty sure my iPod has been my best fitness buy. Period.
2. How to pace myself.
When I first started running, I ran. Fast. But I couldn't keep that pace up for long. I didn't have any concept of pace, but I learned that going slower meant lasting longer. Remember: the tortoise won the race.
3. I'm stronger than I think.
There were many times that I was in awe by how long I ran or the hills I tackled. I used to hate my big legs, but now I adore them. They're strong and powerful and they've taken me places I've never thought I'd go.
4. Endurance/Perserverence.
When runs get tough, I've learned to push through. When runs get long, I've learned to keep going. And I've taken these attributes and applied them to other aspects of my life. And as I'm sure you can guess, it's all been for the better.
5. Mind over Matter.
Running is 90% mental and 10% physical. If you think you can do it, you can. If you don't think you can do it, you won't. Personal encouragement is what's made me get my booty from mile 3 to 8. Don't underestimate the power of self-support!

I've gotten through many a run solely due the jams I was rocking. Without music, my long runs would stretch out forever and I'd probably drive myself crazy with my thoughts. Or run out of thinks to think about (it's happened!). I'm pretty sure my iPod has been my best fitness buy. Period.
2. How to pace myself.
When I first started running, I ran. Fast. But I couldn't keep that pace up for long. I didn't have any concept of pace, but I learned that going slower meant lasting longer. Remember: the tortoise won the race.
3. I'm stronger than I think.
There were many times that I was in awe by how long I ran or the hills I tackled. I used to hate my big legs, but now I adore them. They're strong and powerful and they've taken me places I've never thought I'd go.
4. Endurance/Perserverence.
When runs get tough, I've learned to push through. When runs get long, I've learned to keep going. And I've taken these attributes and applied them to other aspects of my life. And as I'm sure you can guess, it's all been for the better.
5. Mind over Matter.
Running is 90% mental and 10% physical. If you think you can do it, you can. If you don't think you can do it, you won't. Personal encouragement is what's made me get my booty from mile 3 to 8. Don't underestimate the power of self-support!

I had probably the roughest run of my life on Saturday. It was hot, my feet hurt, my throat was parched and all I wanted to do was stop. But I didn't. I pushed through and finished my entire run. And the feeling afterwards: Amazing. I just felt so accomplished. And there's nothing better than that. Not until Saturday night at least.
What is something that running (or yoga or cycling or just working out in general) has taught you?
Time for work! I think I'm trying another zucchini recipe tonight and if it goes well - you'll be the first to know. Have a great day love bugs! (:
Friday, July 16, 2010
Found: A New Obsession
Happy friday everyone!! I'm super excited to get this weekend rolling. I've got plans, guys, plans. But first, I think I promised you a recipe? Ohhh that's right - zucchini! It would seem I'm finally starting to enjoy the fruits of my labor. Well, actually the veggies of my labor. Yesterday, I pulled this big boy from the garden:
These turned out okay. They were a little softer inside than I think they were supposed to be, but that was probably a my bad. They clearly stated you had to squeeze the water out of it completely and I don't think I did a very good job. Oopsies. It was also a little blah tasting, but still it could be good with a few tweaks.
No lie, this was a two pound zucchini. And when life gives me a ginormous zucchini, I make zucchini fritters. I went online, snatched a recipe from Simply Recipe and made the simple switch from all-purpose flour to spelt flour (can you tell I'm getting addicted here) and voila! My zucchini was fritterized.
Technically, you're supposed to eat these with sour cream, but unfortunately we had none. So I otped for ketchup, cause I'm classy like that. Or I'm five like that. One of the two.
These turned out okay. They were a little softer inside than I think they were supposed to be, but that was probably a my bad. They clearly stated you had to squeeze the water out of it completely and I don't think I did a very good job. Oopsies. It was also a little blah tasting, but still it could be good with a few tweaks.
Now worries, I've got a killer recipe to make up for it! Dinner might have been eh - but breakfast today? Now that's where it's at! I've been tired of all my old breakfasts lately so I've been trying to switch it up. This morning, I thought I'd give whipped oats a try.
Seriously, I think I might eat these every day for the next week. No lie.
This would be my own little banana bread version. I wasn't exactly sure how to whip my oats at first, but apparently it's as easy as taking an immersion blender to your regular oats. Who knew?!
Banana Bread Whipped Oats
1/3 cup oats
1/2 smashed banana
1/3 cup almond milk
1/3 cup water
1/2 Tbsp chia seeds
1 tsp vanilla
dash of cinnamon
1 Tbsp chocolate chips
Mix together banana, oats, milk, water, chia seeds, vanilla and cinnamon and cook as you normally would. Remove from heat and whip with immersion blender (could also be transferred to a food processor). Top with chocolate chips and a few raw oats. Eat happily.
The only thing that could have made these any better would have been some crushed walnuts. I've really gotta get my little hands on some of those pronto. Make these and I promise you will be a convert. I know I am.
Today is normally my rest day before my long run in the morning, but I think I'm gonna break the streak and fit my abs routine in today since it's Friday night! Time to party bloggie loves (:
What are your plans for tonight?
You guys better be having some fun! But not too much fun since I'm not there. And I've pretty much put a patent on the fun. Now you know.
whipped oats,
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