Friday, July 9, 2010

LeBron Made My Boyfriend Cry

It's true. Okay, not really, but basically. You would have thought LeBron James was my boyfriend's wife of 50 years and she just walked out on him for a 22-year-old. He has literally declared "I feel like LeBron ripped my heart out of my chest." This is intense, people! I'm trying to lure him out of his self-induced hermitry with dinner later tonight. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

fresh eats.
Breakfast was another delicious breakfast cookie! Turns out, they do taste just as good after two days! Albeit, a little harder on top - but still completely scrumptious.

Lunch was a little less pretty looking. I had originally set out to make a veggie omelet, but uh... let's just say that turned into a veggie scramble when I wasn't paying attention.

This was so good! I just threw together the following:
  • 1 egg + 2 egg whites
  • 1 cup of spinach
  • 1/2 cup mushrooms
  • 2 Tbsp chopped onion
  • 1 tsp extra virgin olive oil
  • dash of salt, pepper, and garlic salt
  • 2 Tbsp of mozzarella cheese added at the end
And voila! A quick yummy lunch. Calorie-wise I clocked this baby at around 250. Not bad! Especially not with 25 grams of belly filling, muscle building, sexifying protein! Oh yeahhh I'm going for the gold with this one. I topped that off with a little glass of cherries.

Yum. I've been tearing through cherries like it's my second job. Which it very well could be if anyone has any interest in paying me for it.

fit happenings.
Due to a little rescheduling at work, I decided to move my seven mile run from tomorrow to TODAY. What can I say? I was feeling ambitious apparently. I charted out my route (MapMyRun love right here guys) and attacked it!

I'm not gonna lie - towards the end I was dying. It took all my mental capabilities to not stop, but I did it! In 1:20:18 no less! I was aiming for around that time so I was more than happy with it. You know what made it even more fun? The new gadget my awesome boyfriend just bought me!

Yeah, he obviously knows the way to my heart is through fitness gear. I'm in *love* with this device! I'm thinking about making a shrine for it in my bedroom. That wouldn't be at all obsessive. I SAID IT WOULDN'T!

After my run, I immediately ran to my fridge and crushed this:

Still unsatisfied, I drove my sweaty beast self to the nearest gas station and continued to do some more hydration damage with this:

Gatorade Recover. Strawberry kiwi, of course. These are a little on the sweet side, but I think mixed with some water, they would be perfect. I'm gonna have to stock up on these asap.

What's your favorite drink after a long, sweaty workout?

Alright loves, I've got dinner to grab (can anyone say sushi?) and some yoga to bang out! Namaste you guys (;


  1. I've never quite perfected the breakfast cookie, want to come make me one?! Haha and that's awesome you got a Forerunner! After a long run I neeeed ice cold water. Or sometimes I'll make a GM too!

  2. Water water and more water. But I don't like it ice cold.

  3. What a lovely gift! My bday is coming up and I'm thinking of asking for something food-or-fitness related.
    I LOVE water with just a squeeze of citrus. I've actually been making a citrus-ade that I'm kind of addicted to with lemon, lime, and orange juices, water, and a drizzle of agave. Fresh, crisp, and hydrating - just what I want!

  4. My husband got me workout clothes for my birhday. I bought he was going to propose. It's been a sore spot ever since. ;)

    I love having Smart water!

  5. That's a fab gift! You've got a good bf on your hands. :) My fav post-run drink is a huge glass of ice-cold water....I'm easy to please!

  6. All your eats look great! Hmm I'd have to say my favorite post workout beverage is a big glass of ice water!

  7. Mmm love me that veggie scramble! It all gets mixed up in your stomach anyways, right? :-)

    Would you like to share that breakfast cookie recipe? It looks like a great way to start the day!

    My favorite recovery drink is either plain H20 or vitamin water 0.

  8. have you noticed how big lebron's feet are!? i mean really!! i just like water after a long run!

  9. Your meals look amazing and don't worry, my husband was pretty upset about lebron too :)


    i like those emergen-c electrolyte packs in my water after a run :)

    have a fantastic weekend love!

  11. hahaah the same thing happens to me when I attempt to make omlettes. usually i get a beat up omlette! this morning I made a 2 egg - feta - tomato...yum!

  12. I need you to come over and make me one of these breakfast masterpieces...and I agree with your boyfriend, Le Bron makes me sad!
